Tik ļoti veselīgā ķirbju sēklu eļļa

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Ķirbju sēklu eļļas sastāvs: Linolskābe (18-62%), oleīnskābe (17-40%), palmitīnskābe (13-18%), α-linolēnskābe (0.34-0.82%), mangāns, fosfors, varš, magnijs, cinks, daudz antioksidanti – polifenoli, flavonoīdi, karotenoīdi, fitosteroli, kā arī vitamīni – A, E.
So very healthy pumpkin seed oil.
Roasted pumpkin seeds... At salads, smoothies, desserts, or just like a tasty snack. Which one of us doesn't have it in great respect? And do you know that these little beauties are crowded with different, healthy benefits? Unfortunately, the heating of pumpkin seeds destroys most of the valuable nutrients in them. It is true that after heating they still serve as a source of iron and preserve some vitamins and minerals, roasted pumpkin seeds are more like a healthy nutter than healthy food for itself. However, most of the nutrients found in pumpkin seeds can be absorbed by pumpkin seed oil, and if the oil was correctly extracted (pressed), none of the nutrients is damaged or destroyed. The healthy fats are extremely important to our daily diet, and it is these foods ingredients that describe cold-pressed pumpkin seed oil.
According to a study conducted by the University of Maryland Medical Center, pumpkin seed oil "takes serious part in growth and development processes, provides healthy brain function, stimulates hair growth, skin recovery, regulates metabolism and ensures bone health, as well as the health of the reproductive system." Pumpkin seed oil contains linolenic acid, an essential fatty acid having anti-inflammatory properties. Oil slows down the process of atheroscrelosis, inhibits coronary syndrome and stroke formation, relieves arthritis symptoms, lowers cholesterol and triglycerides, and prevents kidney failure.
But, importantly, qualitative is unheated (dark colors), certified pumpkin seed oil that hasn't suffered from heat or friction.
10 possibilities uses of pumpkin seed oil.
Many people, particularly women in the post-natal or post-menopausal period, are experiencing bladder irritation and urinary incontinence. Pumpkin seed oil strengthens the muscles that support the bladder, able to prevent prolapsa and “stress incontinence” as well as to relax bladder irritation and reduce urinary incontinence.
Prostate health
It has been scientifically demonstrated that pumpkin seed oil is able to prevent an increase in the prostate - a major health problem for men after age 60. Not only that, but there is also evidence that pumpkin seed oil is able to return processes to men who are already experiencing an increase in the prostate.
To hold on to your hair
Alopecia for mans and hair loss for womens are associated with excesivelly high levels of hormone dihidrotestostrona (DHT). One of the phytochemical preperates of pumpkin seed oil. beta-sitosterol, has been found to block testosterone conversion into dihydrotestosterone. Pumpkin seed oil also contains delta-7-sterol, which blocks dihydrotestosterone. The effects of these natural chemicals have created a view that pumpkin seed oil can really help against hair loss and folklessness.
Intestinal health
The high fatty acid content in pumpkin seed oil is able to balance the formation of excessive inflammation in the gut, helping to avoid the uncomfortable and disgraceful symptoms associated with an unwell digestive tract. The healthier the gut tract, the more the body will be able to take the healthy nutrients from what you eat everyday.
Want to reduce the risk of heart diseases? Here too, pumpkin seed oil can be a big boost. Based on HealthandEnergyFoods.com: “Pumpkin seed oil contains high levels of phytosterol, which is able to reduce bad cholesterol by reducing its swelling capacity by taking it along with food containing normal cholesterol.”
Strong bones
Vitamins A and K make up strong bones, help prevent bone fractures, as well as postmenopausal bone loss.
Liver care
Because pumpkin seed oil is an excellent source of healthy fats and antioxidants, its use is capable of ensuring liver health everyday. What's more, using pumpkin seed oil, instead of popular anti-inflammatory drugs, can avoid unnecessary liver damage. William Gamonski, from LifeExtension.com, explains a study that shows this: “There was an increased level of liver lipid peroxidation in with indometacine-treated rats, indicating liver damage, while there was no such side effect in the pumpkin seed oil group.”
Protect your eyes
High-quality, cold-pressed pumpkin seed oil contains high levels of zeaxanthin, an antioxidant that protects eyes from UV radiation, and the effects of “blue lights.”
Feeding the brain
Pumpkin seed oil rich in valuable fatty acids so much needed for our brains, it works like a “fuel” of the brain.
Relieves unpleasant menopausal symptoms
Natural phytoestrogens found in pumpkin seed oil are able to reduce blood pressure and release symptoms from menopause, such as heat waves, headache and bone pain.
Protein of pumpkin seed oil: Linolic acid (18-62%), oleic acid (17-40%), palmitic acid (13-18%), α-linolenic acid (0.34-0.82%), manganese, phosphorus, copper, magnesium, zinc, many antioxidants – polyphenols, fibronoids, cartenoids, phytosterols vitamins as well as vitamins A, E.
5 komentāri - Tik ļoti veselīgā ķirbju sēklu eļļa
Lietoju tieši Shirijas reģiona eļļu no Austrijas. Šeit īpaša šķirne kam sēklas bez čaumalas. Eļļas ķirbji! Cena par veselu litru 16,-€.! Skatos Latvijā tādu tirgo 250 ml par 17.-€.
Jo tīri tehniski Jūs pateicāt ka Jūsu ražotais produkts ir veselīgs un viss. Ja pieliktu klāt kaut pāris kādas receptes ko tad ar to eļļu darīt un kā viņu efektīgi izmantot, domāju arī pircēju Jums būtu drusku vairāk :)